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It makes me happy to work on a project when I'm in the mood. I always feel so accomplished!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

XOXO Scraplift Challenge

I am digging these challenges! They get my but in gear and give me a starting place. It's like someone asking me to write an essay about the history of the United States vs Someone asking me to write a history of Lincoln, I still have a lot of material to work with and my creativity can be open, but I have a direction to head and that helps :)

They are being sponsored by Snobby Walrus, Prizes:

This is the page that I chose to lift. It's by Jennifer Matott. Absolutely gorgeous.


  1. This is totally true with all mom's! Love it!

  2. Hey!! That's me you're talking about!! LOL I hate the pic.....'course, I hate most pics of me!! But...I don't hate it cause I'm glaring...I just hate it cause, it's a pic of me!!
