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It makes me happy to work on a project when I'm in the mood. I always feel so accomplished!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dirty Scrap challenge: Drama

I wasn't sure what to go with, so I decided to go with my ebay ordeal. I consider it too much drama, so this challenge is perfect.


  1. I have had my share of ebay drama man! I so get this!

  2. This is awesome! Great job! Love that you did it about EBAY

  3. lol @ Ebay drama! I love ebay, but man.....I have gotten screwed over at times too. I love the collage effect you have created! Great LO!

  4. love the topic and the collage aspect too! Hope you got some emotional release out of it! Hope to see more!

  5. This is refreshing!
    Thanks for playing along!
    Love the topic on ebay!

  6. Very cool LO Carol!! So glad you entered a challenge!!
